Welcome to the SalesCart e-commerce Blog.
Here we will discuss and write business information articles on doing e-commerce on the Internet for small and medium-sized businesses. Using our Free Facebook shopping cart, we will cover gotchas, help you with marketing, show you tips and tricks and show you how you can do Internet e-commerce more economical, more securely and easier than ever before. We will answer questions like: Do you really need a website? Do you really need a web designer? Should you be using a Marketplace? We will provide information like: How does the Internet Shopper think and how is he different from a retail shopper. The things that make Facebook important to your marketing strategy. The reasonable fees to pay for credit cards and what is a good deal and what is a lousy deal. We will teach you about Internet Security and how it can make you happy or how it can make you miserable.
Thank you for joining us.